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Piano Tuning and Repair

At Mayer Music Company we provide the highest quality piano tuning, maintenance and repair. Providing professional service with utmost care. 


The basis for our service it to provide finely tuned, voiced and regulated pianos for our clients. We combine the best and most current technology with traditional and aural methods to bring you the best results. Let's breathe new life into your piano today! 

 Serving Treasure Valley Idaho 

About Garrett Mayer - RPT

RPT- Music Teacher - Pro Musician

 As a private teacher and working musician I am passionate about elevating these instruments to their highest potential. I want to see people drawn to their pianos in a way that maximizes learning, expression and enjoyment!


Having been in the trade for over 10 years I've learned the balance of pairing traditional trade wisdom with my clients' playing preferences resulting in optimum, custom care. I strive to go the extra mile to make sure everyone I help is satisfied. 


Piano Technician's Guild - RPT




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